The team behind EVA-KI

The Technische Universität Darmstadt is an international center of excellence in AI research ( The university is part of the renowned "European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS)". Within the framework of the AI-DA, the research group of Dr. Mukhopadhyay is concerned with the secure and interpretable implementation of AI in healthcare. His research has received several renowned international prizes, among others by RSNA and MICCAI. Prof. Fellner is a leading scientist in the field of graphics and data visualization. As a leader of several Fraunhofer Institutes, he brings the experience of the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft in connecting academic research and industry.
The Uniklinik Köln is home to several collaborative research centers (SFB 635, SFB 670, SFB 680 and SFB 829) and the Cluster of Excellence CECAD, which cooperates closely with the Research Center Jülich. The EVA-KI project is supervised at the Cologne site by Dr. Daniel Pinto dos Santos. Dr. Pinto dos Santos is head of the working group "Machine Learning and Data Science" at the University Hospital of Cologne, is head of the working group "structured diagnostic reporting" within the German Radiological Society (see and board member of the European Society of Medical Imaging Informatics.
With a total of 32 clinics and 24 institutes, the Universitätsmedizin Essen is the leading location for patient care, research and teaching in the Ruhr Metropolis. The Institute for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology and Neuroradiology comprises an international team of over 160 physicians, physicists and engineers, technical assistants and administrative staff and is one of the most modern imaging departments in Europe. In order to successfully combine digitalization in medicine with artificial intelligence, the AI working group is growing actively, and already has more than 20 employees. The EVA-KI project is supervised at the Essen site by PD Dr. Felix Nensa. PD Dr. Nensa is head of the AI working group in the radiology department at the Universitätsmedizin Essen and is responsible for the development of the Smart Hospital Information Platform.
Smart Reporting GmbH is an international pioneer of standardized evaluation, decision support and structured, fully machine-readable reporting of medical diagnostic examinations and procedures. The Smart Reporting software supports physicians in the efficient creation of structured, standardized and high-quality reports. Due to their completeness and machine-readability, the findings can be used directly for building medical databases (e.g. for efficiency and AI analyses). The Smart Reporting Platform ( currently has more than 6000 registered users from over 80 countries.
The research group of Prof. Manuel Trenz, Professor for Interorganizational Information Systems at the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen investigates the targeted use of information systems and digital innovations. His research focuses on the design of business models for digital innovations and platforms on the one hand, and the impact of digital innovations on employees and organizations on the other.